- Sparring partner in strategy development and scenario planing for the business
- Provide support and coaching with respect to
- translating the overall business strategy into aligned strategies, targets and measures of individual functions / departments
- avoiding internal target conflicts
- identifcation and elimination of implementation barriers, e.g., in processes
and systems - measure planning and implementation
- strategy communication to external stakeholders
- Support consistent translation of business strategy into financial planning
- Provide support and coaching in case of commercial changes and challenges
- setting up new management information systems, reporting routines and KPI dialogs
- adjusting reporting standards to new requirements (e.g. PE, capital market)
- cash management, working capital management
- bank financing
- Provide support and coaching to translate the overall business strategy into aligned strategies, targets and measures of individual functions / departments
- Implementation support, especially in all commercial functions, in Sales and After Sales
as well as Procurement and Supply Chain Management
- Support business growth via mergers and acquisitions, from initiating first contacts with potential partners to Due Diligence, Closing, Post-Closing and Integration
- Support of divestments and carve-outsĀ
PE & Capital Market
- Contribute knowhow and capacities to prepare a company to meet new requirements of private equity (co)-owners or capital markets
- Coach businesses during holding period under private equity (co)-owners, help prepare for next development phase after exit
- Support realization of the agreed value adding strategies
- Help create structures, systems and transparency to secure capital market financing
- Communication, coaching and change management, e.g., after mergers, in post closing / integration projects, or when building network organizations
- Development and / or adjustment of existing company structures and processes to new business situations, strategies and targets
- Facilitate targeted change in leadership and collaboration
- Support stakeholder-specific communication during transformation journey